Hydrological Monitoring Department
The Hydrological Monitoring Departament (HMD) is a subdivision within the Hydrological Center of the State Hydrometeorological Service.
Its main activity is to ensure the coherent and structural functionality of the National hydrological monitoring network (NHMN).
Basic tasks:
- Ensures the collection of coherent and operational hydrological data on the state and evolution of surface waters;
- Performs maintenance work of hydrological posts in order to improve and maintain hydrological observations;
- Carries out construction, repair and modernization of hydrological posts;
- Performs calibration and verification of equipment at hydrological posts;
- Performs observations and flow measurements in established or requested river sections;
- Conducts joint flow measurements with representatives of the National Administration "Apele Române" (Romanian Waters) on the Prut River and with representatives of the Hydrometeorological Center of Ukraine on the Dniester River, according to the joint flow measurement program;
- Conducts bathymetric studies / charters on rivers and lakes;
- Carries out studies and measurements on the elevation of the snow layer;
- Performs measurements on the thickness of the ice sheet on rivers and lakes;
- Performs seasonal inspections and nivometric surveys at Hydrological Posts;
- Conducts trainings on compliance with the security measures of observers at hydrological stations;
In case of dangerous hydrological or stinging phenomena, HMD employees are mobilized operatively and have a 24-hour activity program, as well as field trips in order to:
- study and record the manifestation of hydrological phenomena;
- perform emergency and frequent flow measurements to capture the maximum flood wave;
- determine flood zones.
Head of Directorate, Dinu Prepeliță
- Tel: +373 22 764588
- hidro-shs@mail.ru