Administration Center
The administrative center (hereinafter the Center) is a structural subdivision of the State Hydrometeorological Service (hereinafter - the Service), which includes in its composition all administrative support structures (institutional management, economic-financial management, informational and geo-informational development) and is responsible for organizing their activity.
The mission of the Center is to analyze the situation and problems related to the hydrometeorological field, to ensure the achievement of the strategic development objectives of the institution and to promote the efficient management of administrative processes: institutional, economic-financial and informational or other within the competence of the Service, ensuring the ratio of expected results and expected costs.
The Center ensures the accomplishment of the mission with the following basic functions:
- the achievement of the objectives of the strategic development of the institution, by ensuring the implementation, monitoring and reporting on the execution of policy documents related to the hydrometeorological or related field;
- the application of laws and regulations, by drafting and presenting, for issuing, the laws and administrative provisions, according to the area of competence, ensuring their correctness and legality;
- the preparation and presentation of policy and budget proposals in the area of hydrometeorology, by elaborating the annual activity plan, as well as monitoring the degree of its implementation, including the elaboration and publication of the respective reports;
- supervision and control, by monitoring the activity of the subdivisions of the Service, continuous or periodic analysis of information according to competencies, verification of compliance with the provisions of normative acts, made within the limits and in accordance with the law;
- management of administrative processes according to the fields of activity / competence.
- provision of public services according to the legislation.
The center performs the functions established in the following fields of activity:
- human resources management and legal assistance;
- document management and information support;
- communication, cooperation, internal and international public relations;
- economic-financial planning and development, accounting records;
- development of information and communication technology (hereinafter ICT), including geographic information systems (hereinafter GIS);
- management of the National Hydrometeorological Data Fund.
Cristina Movileanu
- tel: 0 (22) 77-36-03
- e-mail: